Fishing Forecast: Texas Winters
November 15, 2019
Fishing Forecast: Texas Winter
December to Mid-March
Currently winter is setting in. This is the best fall I’ve seen in years. September was very hot and the water stayed in mid to upper eighties. We usually start to get north winds that time of year; the tropics are usually active as well. Low pressure associated with tropical activity causes our water levels to rise drastically. That's the signal the fish have been waiting for. They seem to feed more often and their internal clocks are telling them that the growing season is coming to a close.
As the cold fronts become more frequent and intensify with both wind speed and colder temperatures, the tides will fall dramatically. This typically happens in mid-November. Once the water is low and cold, picking the right days to fish is everything. Fish slow down immensely, spending less time moving and foraging.
In December the tides are low and water temperatures get pretty chilly but fishing can still be amazing. Warming trends in between cold fronts can produce some of the most intense catching times of the year. The problem is, you have narrow windows to choose from. Timing is everything, so don’t be afraid to make last minute trips in the winter when the weather is right. This usually happens 2-3 days after a front with at least another day in between another front coming. This allows the southeast winds to pick up and the sun warms the shallow mud flats in the late afternoons giving the fish an opportunity to warm and feed before the next front hits when they will go into a slower feeding pattern. It is important to remember that fish still eat in very cold weather and we can find and catch them.
Knowing what you want to catch, best probable times for that, and preferred methods can make you a hundred times more successful. I like to think of it as setting us up for success the minute you book your trip.
Still have questions? Give me a call at 512-787-5629 or send me an email at and let me help you set up your winter fishing trip!